Sackler Cellular and Molecular Imaging Center

Leica TSC SP5 Confocal Microscope
The SP5 TSC confocal system provides a highly efficient spectral detection, which together with the AOBS (Acousto Optical Beam Splitter) enables the simultaneous imaging of up to 4 different wavelengths at high resolution. The system is equipped with the following lasers: 405 nm (cw 50 mW), Argon laser (5 lines), 561 nm, 633 nm and objectives: 10x/0.40 Dry, 20x/0.70 ImmCorr, 40x/0.85 Dry, 63x/1.4 Oil, 63x/1.30 Glyc, 40x/0.80 Water and 63x/0.90 Water.
The system covers a wide range of confocal applications, including a number of other advanced techniques such as FRAP, FRET, FLIP and Photoconversion, which are facilitated by specifically designed user-friendly wizard modules.