Sackler Cellular and Molecular Imaging Center

Leica SP5-STED confocal Laser scanning microscope
The Leica SP5-STED confocal laser scanning microscope is used for imaging of fluorescently labeled biological systems. Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) is a special illumination technique allowing the resolution of sub-cellular details below 80 nm. For STED imaging, a Continuous Wave (CW) laser enables the use of conventional dyes such as Alexa 488, FITC and Oregon Green and established fluorescent proteins such as YFP. The laser lines include: 456, 488, 514, 561, and 633 nm for traditional confocal imaging + a White Light laser (470-680nm, tunable). Note that the 405 nm laser is not present because its slot is occupied by the CW laser. DAPI should be replaced by DRAQ5 whenever a nuclear staining is needed. The objectives are: 10x dry 20x (oil, water, glycerol), 40x, 100x oil and 93x glycerol with motorized correction collar.